Priest Creek Missionary Baptist Church

Narrator: Cameron Rackley
Historical Narration: Sandra Adickes, provided by the University of Southern Mississippi Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage.
Although similar to the other churches, Priest Creek in Palmer's Crossing dedicated its efforts to giving lessons in safety and civil disobedience to those who attended this Freedom School.
This church was led by Pastor I.C. Allen and was a key leader in the Civil Rights Movement for the Palmer's Crossing community.
Dr. Sandra Adickes was a volunteer in Priest Creek Church. Dr. Adickes arrived in Hattiesburg on July 4, 1964, by bus from New York City. She got involved with the Civil Rights Movement in Virginia where she taught African Americans whose school had closed after the Brown V. Board of Education decision mandated integration in 1954. During her six-week session in Hattiesburg, she taught forty to fifty high school aged students a day.